Sleep well in your sins,
for I am still a moral man.
Non-religious to the pulp;
influenced by no such scam.
Clench your book; wear your halo-.
the fire shall burn out someday.
And I pray, you will realize
soon enough- we are all the same.
Thin white layers keep
my body tucked away.
Sheets rough across the edges
because my mind is disarrayed.
We cannot escape the
limitations this has caused,
we are brainwashed by hypocrisy
and hypnotized by God.
An interesting piece about your views on religion and how they affect society. I may not hold the same views about God and religions, however, I would never force my views on others (something that many religions have done in the past). I remember the heartfelt conversation we had, when I was in Israel, about how someone had negatively criticized you, your life and your religion. I truly sympathized with you about that and completely understand where you are coming from, even though I might not always share the same outlook. I think that believing in something, anything is good for people, for it gives society something better to look up to. However, like you had said, that belief, that faith does not have to come solely from religion or God. And I agree with you 10000000%! I love this piece not just because of your creative talent, but also because it truly shows what a multidimensional person you are and how your views make the wonderful person that you are. This is truly a work from your heart. Loves! <3
ReplyDeleteP.S. You are an amazing, moral, kind, just, caring, sweet, intelligent, funny, loving, strong, handsome, and overall wonderful person. Don't let anyone ever let you think badly or differently about yourself, so that they may squeeze you into society's prescribed roles and opinions. I accept you just the way you are and I love every single at-times-quirky (hehehe ;-))yet fantastic part of you. And I would never want you to change. You are superb just the way you are and that way is what makes you a unique and beautiful person.