Monday, November 23, 2009

The Song Must Go On

The music of life
creates a passion for many.
The power of love
could make you hate yourself.
The hurt sometimes delivered
can bring a rejection one cannot bare;
like a stripped-open envelope
containing the bills of responsibility.
It's the price we have to pay
for a happiness...
that does not last forever.
No matter what,
the song must go on.


  1. I am so proud to say that I'm happy that I helped with this poem. I love you <3

  2. thank you... I like that ten-word strategic, just for fun. :) Makes the poem's message float to the right words in a way. Just for fun :)

  3. really good, sums up life in a nut shell. keep 'em coming.


  4. Life on life's terms aint easy. Just gotta take it in stride. - Bedlight for Blue Eyes. I guess that's the point of all of this.

  5. bills of responsibility...I get that on both levels....Quinn
