Monday, August 3, 2009

was it the Ziti, or love?

I talked things through and now I have a stomach ache. It aches both because I ate too much macaroni and because of the hurt I felt from trying to clear things up. Anyways, this particular conversation started off light and pleasant... it ended pleasant also, but its climax was the opposite adjective.But the hurt was worth it. Some things were hard to talk about because it was either a sensitive subject or one of us is too goddamn stubborn to understand. But what is love?

1 comment:

  1. it was the Ziti and the love. i am sorry about this conversation that it hurt you, but at least, like you said, it ended pleasantly. and love is multi-dimentional. one part of it is dealing with and understanding other people's stubborness and falws and accepting the person nevertheless for all of that. =)
